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A Love of Learning

Two Preschool students look back after their performance in their class play.


Pre-Kindergarten & Kindergarten

Preschool represents a special time in children’s lives, when they are full of natural curiosity and wonder about how the world works. At Durham Academy Preschool, pre-kindergartners and kindergartners develop a sense of self and self-confidence, learn to share responsibility and make lifelong friendships. Here, your child will be known and loved by teachers who recognize and nurture each child’s gifts, helping them set goals and experience success.

We really work for bold balance. We want our students to be immersed in developmentally appropriate learning experiences but also push them to take risks and explore and fail — and to learn from that failure. ... And we bring families in to help us create this foundation for learning that their children will stand on in first grade and beyond.

Christian Hairston-Randleman
Director of Preschool

Durham Academy's focus on preparing students for moral, happy and productive lives begins from their very first day as Preschoolers. In addition to building core academic skills, your child will experience abundant opportunities each day to develop their character and creativity and explore passions — from class plays and cooking lessons, to music class and visits from Upper Schoolers eager to share about their interests and culture.

Durham Academy Preschoolers visit with Emerald Pond retirement community residents.

Intergenerational Experiences

Among the Preschool's most treasured traditions is a longstanding partnership with the nearby Emerald Pond retirement community. Students visit with Emerald Pond residents several times a year, bringing along handmade seasonal decorations and singing songs.

Learn More About Service Learning at DA

We Welcome Visitors — and Questions!

A website can only do so much to convey the experience of being part of our school community. Durham Academy Preschool is one of the happiest places on Earth — and we encourage you to experience it for yourself by visiting our campus! 

We also know that you may have questions about affording a Durham Academy education. We encourage you to apply for financial aid if you believe you need any level of support and to reach out to chat about the financial aid or admission process. 

Plan Your Visit to the PreschoolLearn About Financial Aid

Life @ DA Preschool

    As the clock nudges toward 2:20 p.m., they could be forgiven if they succumbed to drowsiness: Many of them have been at school for seven hours. But the more than 30 Durham Academy pre-kindergartners sitting cross-legged atop the carpet in the Preschool Great Room are rapt.

    For more than three decades, Unity Day has been an annual celebration in the Lower School and Preschool, bringing together students and faculty in service learning and friendship. And, of course, in traditions — like the chorus of “Weave” that Preschool and Lower School students alike belted out in their respective Unity Day assemblies.