XIV Hours' "Lost In The Game"
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XIV Hours' "Lost In The Game"

A musical story of relationships, sex, and gender politics is winning the game.

XIV Hours' "Lost In The Game"

Let me tell you something: I might in fact have the single worst voice ever, and I have an embarrassingly large population that would agree with the statement I just made. So when Michael Meyer, Director of Upper School Music at Durham Academy High School (the poor man who had to call himself my very own high school advisor), came to me asking if I would be interested in the a cappella group's latest video and its incredibly pressing message, I was honored.

You see, I may know nothing about singing, but I do know a little something about the dating culture my generation is unfortunately accepting, and I definitely have a passion and a connection with XIV Hours' message in "Lost in the Game."

Michael Meyer and his gang have really created something special, and it's not just because the singing is flawless -- the video is eye opening, or the songs sung were ones we all know and can sing along to. It's the message behind it, the message that the entire group wanted to share with the rest of the country. It's much more than a mash-up of songs about dating, or relationships; it's a work of art that honestly and accurately describes many of the struggles young people, like myself, face daily -- male and female, alike.

To me, this video illustrates two key points: acceptance and self-worth. It shows how, so often, we are willing to compromise our beliefs and our values so that we can feel wanted. We would rather lower our standards to get attention, and then we pretend we don't care about it, after the fact. It all becomes a game of who cares less, and in the end, the one with more feelings loses. Whether anyone else will admit it or not, it's become the norm and we're all guilty of accommodating to this lifestyle.

Who's to blame for it? Music? Movies? Men? Women
That's the question. That's the question with no single answer, in my opinion. The rappers and singers sing about inappropriate content with a degrading manner, but we listen to it. We sing along to it. Some guys might only try and take us home after a night at the bar, but some of us girls accept it and act as if it's okay. Instead of blaming one certain group, we need to focus on building up everyone together to show the worth we all have as human beings. We need to come together to raise awareness, because, yes, this is an actual issue.

  • No means no.
  • "You're the hottest b***h" is not a compliment. Neither are the rest of degrading comments.
  • One night stands aren't healthy.
  • Toxic relationships can take numerous forms.
  • Heartbreak is a thing. It's okay to be vulnerable.
  • It shouldn’t be a game of who cares less. Supporting one another despite our differences is what we need to do. That is how love is truly shown and spread.

Here are some quick facts about "Lost In The Game":

Act one asks, what if people actually said in real life what "club anthems" discuss? The overtly sexual nature of some of those lyrics, when sung by teens, can be uncomfortable to hear or watch.

Act two follows a couple whose relationship is intentionally vague, and is complicated by the fact that they are dealing with weighty decisions at a young age, and may not be communicating with each other clearly.

Act three begins cluttered and asymmetrical, showing the fallout from hookup culture: broken hearts and loneliness. In a breakthrough moment, our characters realize that open communication and holding each other up, rather than tearing each other down, is at least a start toward navigating relationships safely.

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