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Arts Faculty

James Bohanek

James Bohanek

Upper School Drama Teacher, Upper School Fine Arts Academic Leader
Paul Edghill

Paul Edghill

Upper School Theatre Technical Director
Elisabeth Effron

Elisabeth Effron

Upper School Visual Arts Teacher, Lead Class Advisor
Trevor Hoyt

Trevor Hoyt

Director of Technology, Upper School Music Teacher
Laci McDonald

Laci McDonald

Upper School Dean of Students and Upper School Dance Teacher
Pamela McKenney

Pamela McKenney

Lower School Visual Arts Teacher, Lower School Diversity Coordinator, Multi-Grade Teacher Coordinator
Elizabeth McLeod

Elizabeth McLeod

Preschool Art and Cooking Teacher, Preschool Fine Arts Academic Leader
Michael Meyer

Michael Meyer

Upper School Music Teacher, Lead Class Advisor
Mary Norkus

Mary Norkus

Middle School Creative Movement Teacher
Jesse Paddock

Jesse Paddock

Videographer and Upper School Video Production Teacher
Karen Richardson

Karen Richardson

Middle School Vocal Music Teacher, Middle School Fine Arts Academic Leader
Kayla Richardson-Piche

Kayla Richardson-Piche

First Grade Music Teacher, Third Grade Teaching Assistant (Dolan)
Fran Savarin

Fran Savarin

Middle School Visual Arts Teacher
Elizabeth South

Elizabeth South

Preschool Music and Lower School Drama Teacher