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Upper School Math Curriculum

The Durham Academy Upper School Math Department empowers students of all backgrounds and learning styles to:

  • embrace mathematical challenges with perseverance and a growth mindset.
  • use mathematical tools and techniques to investigate problems and find innovative solutions.
  • work toward mathematical fluency and precision.
  • communicate viable arguments using sound mathematical reasoning.
  • collaborate and communicate across cultures.
  • cultivate an appreciation for the beauty of mathematics.

The graduation requirement entails progressing through core classes consisting of Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2, and then completing at least one additional course for which a prerequisite is Algebra 2. In the Upper School, most students go beyond the graduation requirement to complete four full years of mathematics. As students learn the mathematical content covered in their courses, they mature as thinkers and problem solvers in a classroom context through the use of collaboration skills, communication skills and analytical thinking skills.

Durham Academy’s Math Department has strict guidelines for advancing outside the standard course of study, which can take the form of two concurrent math courses during the academic year and/or independent summer coursework. Students interested in pursuing one of those paths need departmental approval and should contact the math academic leader or Upper School registrar. For example, with a grade of A or better in Algebra 1 and permission from the Math Department, Algebra 2 may be taken concurrently with Geometry. Similarly, with a grade of A or better in each semester of Algebra 1 and permission of the Math Department, Honors Algebra 2 may be taken concurrently with Geometry.

Each student enrolled in a Durham Academy Upper School math course is required to own a TI-84 graphing calculator. In all math classes, the graphing calculator and other computer-based technologies are used to enhance students’ understanding of concepts as well as to carry out certain processes. Proficiency in the use of a graphing calculator is an integral component of the curriculum.

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  • Recognize and utilize math as a universal language as well as appreciate the beauty of mathematics.

  • Embrace mathematical challenges with perseverance and a growth mindset.

  • Use mathematical tools and techniques to investigate and find innovative solutions based upon the given issue, situation, or problem.

  • Apply numeracy skills and the aligned practices to achieve fluency and precision.

  • Communicate viable arguments using sound mathematical reasoning in both independent and collaborative settings, while valuing the perspective of others.

Upper School Math Course Offerings

Select Grade Level

Algebra 1

Algebra 1 builds upon the established mathematical foundation from Middle School by enhancing problem-solving skills and strategies and by encouraging students to communicate using the language of algebra.

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Geometry provides a comprehensive introduction to Euclidean Geometry, starting with points, lines and planes, and building up to 2D and 3D figures. Throughout the course, students will investigate geometric relationships independently and in teams.

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Algebra 2

Algebra 2 builds on the foundations set in Algebra 1. This course includes algebraic skills and a thorough analysis of linear, quadratic, higher-order polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, inverse, rational and radical functions.

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Honors Algebra 2

The language of functions is the centerpiece of this course, building on the foundations set in Algebra 1. This course includes reinforcement and application of algebraic skills as well as a thorough analysis of polynomials, exponential, logarithmic, inverse, rational and radical functions.

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Elements of Precalculus

Elements of Precalculus examines all of the major topics in precalculus. Fundamental concepts and skills are reviewed more thoroughly, and the pace of the course is slower. Elements of Precalculus is recommended for students earning a B- or below in Algebra 2. Technology is incorporated throughout the course. 

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Precalculus is a course designed to weave together material from previous math courses, build problem-solving skills and introduce new content in preparation for students to learn calculus.

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Honors Precalculus

Honors Precalculus is a challenging, fast-paced course designed to prepare students for the study of Advanced Calculus. Students will investigate the properties of a variety of functions and explore ways to use them as mathematical models that describe real-world phenomena.

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Math Lab

This course will provide support to students taking Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, and Precalculus by helping students work through topics currently being studied in their math classes. Students will build on the foundations of their skills from previous courses and develop strategies for homework and test preparation. Students will receive support using the resources and technologies emphasized in their math classes to investigate material and enhance understanding. 

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CL Calculus 1

Calculus 1 is an introductory college-level course in differential calculus. Students will develop understanding and skills associated with limits and continuity, techniques of differentiation and applications of differentiation.

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CL Calculus 2

Calculus 2 is an introductory college-level course in integral calculus. Students will develop understanding and skills associated with techniques of integration, applications of integration, and differential equations and slope fields.

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ADV Calculus 1

This course will cover single-variable differential calculus. Students will develop understanding and skills associated with limits and continuity, as well as techniques and applications of differentiation.

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ADV Calculus 2

The ADV Calculus 2 course is designed to build upon the foundations of single-variable differential calculus and provide students with the opportunity to build an in-depth understanding of integral calculus.

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ADV Calculus 3

The ADV Calculus 3 course is designed to build upon the foundations of single-variable calculus taught in ADV Calculus 1 and ADV Calculus 2 and provide students with the opportunity to build an in-depth understanding of multivariable calculus.

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ADV Calculus 4

The ADV Calculus 4 course is designed to build upon the foundation in multivariable calculus set in ADV Calculus 3. Students will learn the theory of vector-based calculus and how it is used to analyze multivariable functions in novel ways not explored in ADV Calculus 3.

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CL Statistics 1

Statistics 1 is a one-semester, introductory, non-calculus-based, college-level statistics course covering the three major conceptual themes: Describing Data, Producing Data and Anticipating Patterns. The course will introduce students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing and drawing conclusions from data.

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CL Statistics 2

Statistics 2 is a one-semester college-level statistics course building on themes covered in Statistics 1. The major conceptual theme of the course is Statistical Inference. Students spend much of the semester studying inference, sampling distributions, confidence intervals, significance tests, normal distributions, t-distributions and chi-square distributions.

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Data Science

The ability to work with data — to process it, extract value from it, visualize it and communicate about it — is an important skill in today’s world. In this course, students will learn to summarize, analyze, discuss and create visualizations of both categorical and quantitative data using programs like CODAP and Excel/Sheets.

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ADV Data Science

Students will learn how to combine inferential and computational thinking to explore, analyze and draw useful conclusions from large and diverse real-world data sets. Students will explore data to identify patterns, make predictions and check the degree of certainty of their predictions by using statistical inference.

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Logic and Discrete Mathematics

This course is an introduction to pure mathematics. The vast majority of mathematics taught at the high school level teaches you how to use mathematics. This class teaches you how to create it.

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Introduction to Topology

In this course, students will dive deeply into the rich theoretical framework that is known as Topology. Topology is a relatively recent invention in mathematics, generally agreed to have been established around 1895 (if this doesn’t seem recent, recall that math has been around for thousands of years).

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Mathematics of Finance

This course allows students to study several concepts of personal finance and money management, examine how mathematics is used in everyday life and explore several topics that improve financial literacy, including IRAs, CDs, 401Ks, 529s and 1040s.

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ADV Mathematical Modeling

This advanced course is designed for highly motivated students who are interested in creatively applying mathematics to complex, challenging and authentic real-world problems. Students will work collaboratively through the mathematical modeling process to study globally relevant, multi-faceted phenomena.

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ADV Geometries

This Advanced course allows students to investigate and further develop elementary and advanced theorems in both Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries. As a review, students will complete compass and straightedge constructions and proofs in the Euclidean plane, leading to an in-depth journey into the 139 Triangle Constructions with Three Located Points, many of which remain unsolved.

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