- English
English Lab
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Full-Year, Fall, Spring
PREREQ: Students must be enrolled in a grade-earning English class (like English 9, etc.) and have the recommendation of their previous or current English teacher.
This course will provide additional support to students taking English 9, English 10, English 11, or English 12 through extra instruction on and coaching of reading and writing skills. Students in the class will benefit from one-on-one support that meets them where they are and helps them continue to advance the literacy and writing skills that will allow them to succeed in all of their classes — and beyond. The course is pass/fail and does not have its own coursework or homework. Rather than add to a student’s workload, it is designed to support them in navigating their reading and writing assignments with greater confidence, independence, and success.
- Grade 9
- Grade 10
- Grade 11
- Grade 12