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Upper School Curriculum

  • 400 Level
  • English
ENG 400 • English 12: Outlaw Ocean
Grades: 12 (Grade 11 with departmental approval)

Outlaw Ocean surveys stories of human interactions with the ocean from the earliest records of the North Sea to contemporary journalism in the South China Sea. We will listen to podcasts, read fiction and nonfiction, and learn about international maritime laws. We will discuss race, power and gender-bending aboard boats that sail beyond the reach of any nation’s jurisdiction. We will consider how the sea around us is changing, and contemplate real-world solutions. This course is designed especially for students who have not yet found their voices in the English classroom, and it will be interdisciplinary from start to finish. Documentaries, podcasts and author-based websites will support all kinds of learners, interests, and abilities.

  • Grade 11
  • Grade 12