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Upper School Curriculum

  • 400 Level
  • Science
SCI 400 • Environmental Science
Grades: 11, 12
PREREQ: Physics, Chemistry, Biology (can be taken concurrently)

Environmental Science is designed to equip students with the foundational scientific knowledge and methodology required to understand cycles and interrelationships within the natural world and humans’ place within it. Students are challenged to identify and analyze environmental changes, both natural and human-influenced, to assess the risks and impacts associated with these changes, and to examine the feasibility of potential solutions. A variety of assessments build and test student understanding, including hands-on and outdoor lab experiments and data-collection, analysis of case studies, and project-based research on specific environmental problems or notable figures in the field. Naturally, mechanisms behind human-influenced climate change will be explored, and solutions will be examined for application at various scales. Students endeavor to uncover trends in the distribution of environmental impacts and the equity issue they reveal locally and globally. 

  • Grade 10
  • Grade 11
  • Grade 12