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Upper School Curriculum

  • 100–399 Level
  • Science
SCI 300 • Biology
Grade: 11

Biology is a dynamic and exciting opportunity for students to engage in the intersection of biology, sustainability, and equity while exploring several major branches within the field of biology: evolutionary, ecological, organismal, molecular, and cellular. The curriculum emphasizes the development of students’ problem-solving, critical-thinking, and inquiry skills through experimentation, data and analysis, model development and explanations, and the communication of scientific information. Units are designed around socioscientific issues — complex problems facing society that cannot be understood or addressed without scientific understanding and practices. Using a variety of learning approaches — from hands-on lab investigations and simulations to collaborative activities, case studies, and discussions — students “figure out” rather than “learn about” scientific phenomena. The overarching goal is to equip students with abilities and inclinations to act on what they’ve learned well beyond their high school biology experience and into their future personal, professional, and civic lives. 

  • Grade 11