- 500 Level: Advanced (ADV)
- Computer Science
Grades: 10, 11, 12
PREREQ: CS 450 and Precalculus
This course is a semester-long, focused exploration of advanced data structures in C++, spanning array lists, vectors, linked lists, stacks, queues, binary trees, heaps, dictionaries and lookup tables. The course provides students with the theoretical concepts involving advanced data structures and the C++ language that empowers them to build user-defined structures instead of relying on library-driven solutions. Students will navigate concepts like hashing and mapping, exploring algorithms that balance memory space and speed efficiency based on specific problem-solving needs. Assessments include e-text homework, lab and project coding assignments, progress check quizzes and occasional CTF (capture-the-flag) team exercises. Emphasizing version control through the use of GitHub, the course builds on material from CS 450, assuming students possess prior understanding of object-oriented design, inheritance and polymorphism.
- Grade 10
- Grade 11
- Grade 12