- Social Studies
In Social Studies 6, students strive to build enduring understandings of the complexity of the world and develop essential skills (competencies) to enable them to critically examine and attempt to explain human behaviors and actions.
Throughout the year, students will explore the foundations of Social Studies by using historical evidence from ancient civilizations throughout the world. We will focus on the key themes: Culture, Power, and Trade. In order to better understand and appreciate culture, students will interact with a variety of perspectives, affirm all identities, and examine the origins of world religions. Learning about power will involve analysis of the intersection between institutional power and human rights, the oppression and privileges that result, and how people have used a variety of methods to bring about change in the world. Their study of trade will delve into the impact of access to resources and decisions humans make.
In terms of skill development, students will be introduced to a variety of note taking strategies in order to help them to identify and organize evidence from a source. An introduction to writing a thesis statement based on a specific source will provide students with an introduction to basic historical inquiry skills. Students will also have the opportunity to enhance their ability to communicate verbally, in writing, and through imagery.
- Grade 6